Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ideal Citizen on Facebook page

I decided to make my “ideal citizen” a Ms. Pepper Mint Patty, a senior lady from Tibet. I chose that name she always “has the sensation” of being on top of the world. Her father was stationed in Lhasa, China during World War Two where he met her mom. Pepper spent her younger years in an ancient Monastery. It was here where she learned to put others before herself and wanted to dedicate her life to doing just that. I thought that Pepper going to Florida State University would demonstrate her intellect. She majored in social work in order to help others: I guess growing up in a monastery didn’t impede on her people skills. She used to have a problem with being “too social” with some people in her college days and has several kids to show for it, but she’s cool with that because that makes her seem motherly.

I said that Pepper likes to play the piano and bingo because those seem like typical things that a woman her age would like to do. She is also Republican like her peers. She also likes to watch Matlock, listen to The Rat Pack, and loves the Pride and Prejudice movie featuring Colin Firth (she isn’t so crazy about the Keira Knightley version). Young kids looking to vandalize know not to mess with the block that Pepper lives on. She happens to be on the Neighborhood Watch and mastered three martial arts while in the monastery and know how to take care of business; she even killed a guy with her big toe. What makes Pepper so unique is that she also likes to watch True Life, listen to Kanye West, and loves the Spiderman Trilogy. This shows Pepper’s willingness to try new things and allows her to relate to those much younger than herself.

Pepper also has an ideal view on life. One of her favorite quotes is, “Never take life to seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” She sure does live by those words seeing how she is an avid skydiver and performs standup comedy at the local comedy club. Her other favorite quote is, "We do not change as we get older; we just become more clearly ourselves." Pepper realizes that just because she is old doesn’t mean that she has to abandon her fun-loving self. That’s probably one of the most important things that make her such a model citizen.



  1. I enjoyed readying this blog very much. It was very different and Ms. Patty seems to be very diverse. I like how your ideal citizen had a very unique life, from the monastery to sky diving. This definitely made me think of her as the "ideal" citizen rather than the "typical" citizen.

  2. Your ideal citizen is very unique. I think you could have used more formal language. All of the different elements of this person are a little too unbelievable I think.
